Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant.
Mathew 20 : 26
These are the thinkers, the doers, the prayer warriors, the action team. They help guide Dunamis in the path towards accomplishing our strategic goals and mission.
The most prestigious team. They serve with excellence welcoming and taking good care of all our volunteers with kindness and love
Our event specialists and planners are responsible for every aspect of our events execution. Their main duties include building event, selecting venues, determining the cost, arranging event services and making sure everyone is taken care of.
A band of talented singers and musicians. District curate content, write and compose original songs and produce worship albums.
These are communication specialists who develop and implement all targeted content for various media platforms. They research, produce and edit all media content, implement and manage media campaigns, and deliver public relations and communications plans.
Our tech team do all the vital behind the scenes action that keep us running seamlessly. They are responsible for supporting the co-ordination, planning, and execution, of our operations.
Our logistics team handles the building management including setup and tear down procedure of each service and event ensuring a seemless experience.
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